Monday, 13 January 2014

SHERLOCK Season 3 Episode 3 "His Last Vow"(wow!) Some thoughts........

Just finished watching the Season 3 finale of Sherlock, lot's of people still yapping about Jim Moriarty being alive! Rubbish! Is what a person with multiple points of view would call it. I being one would say so and my proof would be the fact that Jim Moriarty resides within Sherlock's head, he is the Devil Sherlock fears even though he is dead and he conveniently makes use of this by portraying to the world that Jim Moriarty is back! Alive! If some would notice, Sherlock here is just recycling Jim Moriarty's plan which he tried executing in the finale of Season 2, he would make the public believe that he, Moriarty was the creation of Sherlock to portray himself as a Hero to the eyes of the public. So in this episode I feel that this old plan has been taken out of the recycle bin and is used to throw dust in the eyes of the public. Also Jim Moriarty conveniently showing himself to the world when Sherlock was just 4 minutes into his flight just seemed to make the fact stated above even more obvious. The scenes where Sherlock wrestles to fight off an imaginary part of Jim Moriarty that define his worst fears in his head, is just simply put into a superb screenplay.

This episode of Sherlock titled "His Last Vow" certainly is high on adrenaline, emotions and not to forget morphine (Sherl's favourite). Clever use of unlikely characters to seem not so likely of something pretty brutal of course shock the viewer and not forget Sherl's relationship and also engagement :P.
 Mary Watson did seem to be a bit of a curious character. She seems to be a really interesting character and I am quite sure she shall be as instrumental as ever in the coming seasons depending on who but little Ms Sherlock (yeah i think they'd name their baby girl Sherlock). Her brutality did shock me but like John says:
"The Problems of your past are our business, The problems of your future are my privilege"
So I feel her true colours shall be truely revealed by herself in the forthcoming seasons as she proves herself to be useful to Sherlock and Watson's future endeavors.
The true colors and psychologies as well as insecurities of characters have all been opening up all along Season 3. Mycroft's true feelings towards Sherlock also took me aback a little bit, but that reassured me that Sherlock wouldn't definitely have to pay the price for murdering Magnussen. Also John's attraction towards Sociopaths and dangerous people also was a little bit creepy! But then that's what makes John Watson, he is attracted to dangerous people but then he balances out their lack of emotions or anything in them which leads to him creating strong bonds with them.
I shall miss the television series, Sherlock for another
11 months and yeah I am glad that there has been news about the 4th Season premiering in December, 2014! looks like proper Christmas gift is on way and  last but not the least, as Sherlock would say:
               THE GAME IS ON!!!

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